Unit 7: Topic Specific Research

Gender and Sexuality

Assignment: Article Critique 4


Alejandro Morales , Edwin E. Corbin-Gutierrez & Sherry C. Wang (2013). Latino, Immigrant, and Gay: A Qualitative Study About Their Adaptation and Transitions, Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 7:2, 125-142

Bejarano, C. E., Manzano, S., & Montoya, C. (2011). Tracking the Latino gender gap: Gender attitudes across sex, borders, and generations. Politics & Gender, 7(4), 521-549.

Ramírez-Esparza, N., García-Sierra, A., Rodríguez-Arauz, G., Ikizer, E. G., & Fernández-Gómez, M. J. (2019). No laughing matter: Latinas’ high quality of conversations relate to behavioral laughter. PloS one, 14(4), e0214117.


Assignment: Article Critique 5


Menívar (2016). Immigrant Criminalization in Law and the Media: Effects on Latino Immigrant Workers’ Identities in Arizona.

Becerra, D., Androff, D., Cimino, A., Wagaman, M. A., & Blanchard, K. N. (2013). The impact of perceived discrimination and immigration policies upon perceptions of quality of life among Latinos in the United States. Race and Social Problems, 5(1), 65-78.

Barrett, A. N., Kuperminc, G. P., & Lewis, K. M. (2013). Acculturative stress and gang involvement among Latinos: US-born versus immigrant youth. Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences, 35(3), 370-389.

Education and Labor

Assignment: Article Critique 6


González Ybarra (2020). “We Have a Strong Way of Thinking . . . and It Shows through Our Words”: Exploring Mujerista Literacies with Chicana/Latina Youth in a Community Ethnic Studies Course.

Pumar, E. (2021). The Differential Latinx Attainment Rate: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Trends in Educational Achievements. Journal for Leadership, Equity, and Research, 7(3).

Politics and Economics

Assignment: Article Critique 7


Garriga-López, A. (2019). Puerto Rico: The future in question. Shima, 13(2), 174-192.

Morales, M. C. (2009, September). Ethnic‐Controlled Economy or Segregation? Exploring Inequality in Latina/o Co‐Ethnic Jobsites 1. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 589-610). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Gershon, S. A., Pantoja, A. D., & Taylor, J. B. (2016). God in the barrio?: The determinants of religiosity and civic engagement among Latinos in the United States. Politics and Religion, 9(1), 84-110.